5 surefire ways to get the result you desire every time

Well here we are in the second week of January.
The week when 25% of people will ditch their New Year’s goals.

And in just another 4 weeks, 80% will have given up on their goals.

Yet, year after year most people just keep making the same goals, doing the same things and getting the same results. 

How can we expect to get different results if we keep doing the same things?
Did you know that that is the definition of the word insanity?
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

If you want different results, you have to do something different!

You can’t keep doing what you’ve always done and think you'll get different results. 

If what you were doing was enough, you’d be there already.

So, what will make this year different?
How can you make this the year that you achieve your goals?

How can you ensure that this is the year that you will lose weight and keep it off?

You have to commit.  
You have to change your mindset, have a strategy and do the work.

Consistency is key in the weight loss journey.

Here are my top tips to make this the year you get results.

  1. Dig deep to discover your true why!

    Your why is your driving force. When you have a deep reason WHY you want to lose weight and a reason for going after your goals, you will become unstoppable. Most people think that their why is simply to lose weight. And while that is part of it, there is a deeper driving force that you need to connect with. WHY do you want to lose weight? How will your life change? How will YOU change? Will you be more confident? Will you be a better mother? When you connect with your true deep why you will find the inspiration to be consistent, do the work and you will never give up. Grab my free worksheet to discover your deep why.

  2. Get an accountability partner.

    Have a partner to check in with daily or weekly. Be sure to have activity goals to meet and check on each other to make sure that you accomplished them. No excuses, no complaining. Hold each others feet to the fire and make sure that each of you is doing what you need to do to lose weight and live healthily.

  3. Do the daily activity

    Too often people think that they are “eating healthy”, but do you know exactly what you are eating? How many calories are you eating? How many do you need to eat to reach your goals? Are you doing the right amount of exercise? This is important when you are starting out so that you have an exact roadmap to achieve your goals. I give this exact roadmap to my clients in my Weight Loss for Life Program. To achieve results you should be keeping a food journal when you start out (not forever but this is a great tool to help you become more aware of what you are eating) and you should be weighing and measuring your food so that you can learn what a proper portion is. Adding in exercise will also help you to reach your goals quicker. Be consistent with these daily tasks to achieve your goals.

  4. Join a supportive Facebook group

    Support is huge in weight loss. Join a group or coaching program to keep you excited and on task. This is a place to go for education, motivation, inspiration and support. Join my free facebeook community here!

  5. Ask for help

    If you are tired of trying to lose weight on your own or sick of failed diets, ask for help! Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Stop trying to do it alone and talk to someone who can get you on the right track, and get you results once and for all! Book a free 15 minute discovery call with me today! I would love to help you.

    I have worked with nearly 1,000 women helping them to lose weight and keep it off, for life. I know how to get results without dieting, without hunger, deprivation or cravings. If you are done with the weight loss/weight gain cycle, and ready to lose weight and keep it off and live your healthiest life, let’s chat! Let’s make this the year that you achieve the success you desire and deserve!

    Reach out here!

Allison Vercelli