Leave Good to Experience Great

“Good is the enemy of great. Few people attain great lives, in large part because it is just so easy to settle for a good life.” -Jim Collins, Good to Great

I have lots of pet peeves. But one of my biggest one is seeing people live “comfortable” lives.

Too many people are working in jobs they don’t love, earning an income that isn’t ideal or living a life that isn’t their dream.

They make excuses and say that it is ‘just the way it is’.

But the reality is that we have the power to change our lives at any given time.

I am not saying it is easy, but it IS possible.

Sadly, most people will never be willing to venture out of their comfort zones to experience true success.

Most people would rather work for a boss, be told what to do and not be solely responsible for their success.

It is more comfortable to just stay status quo. They know what to expect and there is less uncertainty.

But there is still a cost and a risk.

There is a glass ceiling on your earnings. Someone is telling you when you have to work and when you can have off. And ultimately someone has the ability to eliminate your job at any time.

I lived this way. I did what I was “supposed” to do.

I graduated high school, went to college, got a degree and got a “real job”.

I was working my way up the corporate ladder and made a very good income.

But it came at a cost.

I worked crazy long hours, worked weekends and holidays, had to ask for time off and ultimately was let go when our first son was born.

So where did doing ‘what I was supposed to’ do get me??


It turned out to be a blessing, as I was able to be home with our firstborn.

We went on to have 2 more boys and I never missed one milestone.

After 5 years of being home, though, I needed more. But there was no way I was going back to working for someone else!

So, I took a leap of faith and started my own business.

It has turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life.

This is why I am so incredibly passionate about empowering women to get out of their “comfort zones”, take chances, and live their best lives.

I get to be with my boys every day. I never miss a moment AND I get to be successful.

I truly believe that we can have it all but we have to get out of our comfort zones and go for it.

I am not saying it is easy, but it is definitely worth it.

Do I still have to sacrifice? Of course!

All true success comes with some sacrifice.

You have to give up something in order to accomplish something else. I gave up tv for 4 years! The only time I had to work my business was after my boys went to bed at night. So when most people were tuning in to the latest reality tv, I was working my business. But it was my choice. And everything I did was growing MY business, not someone else’s.

Sadly, most people will choose to stay in their comfortable jobs, with their predictable schedule and guaranteed paycheck, then to step out of the norm and take a chance.

I decided that I would rather take a chance than spend my life wondering what if.

You get one life.

I believe that anything is possible but you have to take the chance!

Stop living a good life and start living a great life!

Refuse to live comfortably and choose to live amazingly!

I believe that once we leave our comfort zones we realize it wasn’t all that comfortable anyway!

If you are looking for MORE, let’s Chat! I would love to help you find ways to live your best life!

Contact me now!

Allison Vercelli