4 top reasons you are not losing weight

If you are frustrated that you’re not losing weight, this is for you….

I want to share some of the most common reasons that I see for people not losing weight (even when they think they are doing everything right):⁣

1. Picking, nibbling and grazing:⁣

Stop and think for a minute…… during the course of the day do you find yourself finishing the last few bites of your kids food? Grabbing a handful of pretzels to munch on? Lick the spoon while cooking dinner? Grab a few crackers?⁣

These mindless nibbles and bites can add up and be the difference between losing or not losing weight.⁣
And the worst part is that you are likely not even enjoying these bites of food because you are barely aware that you are eating.⁣
Stop and pause and be conscious of everything you put in your mouth throughout the day.⁣
It can add up.⁣

2. You eat out often:⁣

Do you eat out or eat on the go often?⁣
Regardless of what you choose, restaurant food will always be higher in calories.⁣

In one study of restaurant meals, the average breakfast meal served up over 1,226 calories; the average lunch contained 1,000 calories; and dinner rang in at 1,128 calories.⁣
This is not to say don’t eat out, but try to make it a treat and take half home.⁣

3. Portion Size:

⁣As a society we are consuming larger portions than ever. We have become so accustomed to these portions that when we are served normal portions it seems small to us.⁣
Weigh and measure food, even just a few times, to see what a standard portion is.⁣
You might be surprised at how much extra you are eating⁣

4. High calorie choices:⁣

At the end of the day, in order to lose weight you need to be in a caloric deficit. Eating too many calories, even from healthy choices, will lead to weight gain.⁣
Foods like granola, nuts, seeds, olive oil and avocados are healthy food choices but are high in calories and add up quickly.⁣
Be aware of high calorie healthy foods that could wreck havoc on your weight loss.⁣

If you are ready to lose weight, once and for all, Join my weight loss for life coaching program where you will learn how to lose weight while eating all the foods you love!⁣

Allison Vercelli