You can help others to achieve their goals with these 4 tips

Have you ever felt responsible for someone else’s success?

Oftentimes coaches will think, “What if someone purchases my course and they are not successful?”

This can be a common fear. The problem with this is that it assumes you are responsible for someone else’s success and the reality is that you are not.

I had this fear when I began my weight loss coaching.

What if someone joined my program and I could not help them to achieve their goals?

What if I was not a good enough coach, didn’t know all the answers or wasn’t motivating enough?   

After many years in this industry, here is what I have learned:

We are not responsible for anyone’s success but our own.  

Yes, you want to be a great coach and leader, but the client has to want it.

You can’t assume responsibility for someones failure, because then you have to take responsibility for their success too, and if someone succeeds it is not because of you.

It is because THEY did the work!

In my weight loss program, I realized that I could give clients the perfect meal plan and exercise program. I could coach them, inspire and motivate them and make their weight loss journey as enjoyable as possible. But I couldn’t eat the food and exercise for them, which was essential for their success.

In order for them to acheive their goals they had to do the work!

And the same is true in any business. For anyone to acheive success, they have to do the work.

So what is your role?

  1. Lead by Example -

    As a leader, I believe your number one responsibility is to lead by example. You cannot tell your clients to do something that you yourself are not willing to do. I can’t tell my clients to eat healthy or keep a food journal if i am not willing to do those exact things. I have to walk the walk.

  2. Educate -

    You need to educate your clients on where to find answers. Notice I did not say to give them the answers. Your job is to teach them all of the available resources, where and how to find them and how to utilize them.

  3. Personal Development -

    As a leader you need to continually improve yourself and strive to be better every single day. Read books, attend events, listen to trainings and constantly grow and improve.

  4. Be Accessible -

    Be available to help your clients. You want to run with the running and if they are asking for your help, be there for them. A good leader is someone that clients can feel comfortable contacting and know they will be able to get in touch with them.

Again, you are not responsible for anyone’s success.

Be a leader and lead by example.

Those who want it will follow your lead, which will help them to achieve success.

For more education and inspiration, join my Facebook Group, Weight Loss for Life with Allison Vercelli.

Allison Vercelli