Top Fall Skincare Tips

As much as I don’t want to admit it, summer has ended.  (cue the tears)

Soon it will be time for boots and sweaters and all things pumpkin.

Not only do we update our wardrobes with the changing seasons, but we need to adjust our skincare routines. Different climates call for different treatments, so using the same products in every season can leave you with oily skin one season and dry skin and cracked lips another.

So, let’s dive into the ultimate fall skincare guide.


This is the perfect time to rid your face of any dry, dead skin left behind from the sun, salt water and chlorine.  Exfoliating helps to removes the barrier of dead skin cells on the surface, uncovers fresh new cells below and prevents pores from becoming clogged. Exfoliation allows all of your other products to penetrate more deeply into the skin, making them more effective.  Therefore, for a healthy glow, regular exfoliation is a must.  However, be cautious when exfoliating, as all products are not the same.  Many people opt for nut and seed based exfoliants. However, these can be too harsh, tear the skin and even make your skin more susceptible to environmental damage, pollution and sun damage; All of which can accelerate the aging process of our skin. Instead look for a sugar and salt scrub that is gentle, but effective.  

Below is my absolute favorite exfoliating scrub, that I use several times per week for a smooth, healthy, glowing complexion.

Check it out Here. 


Cooler air holds less moisture, so skin will dry out easier when the summer heat ends. It is not enough to simply use a moisturizer; You need to actually hydrate your skin. Start by drinking more water to hydrate from the inside out. Next, use a serum containing Hyalauronic Acid to draw moisture from the environment and keep your skin hydrated.  Hyalauronic Acid instantly improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving you with youthful, healthy skin. Next, finish with your daily moisturizer to lock in the moisture. 

Check out my favorite hydrating serum here.

This serum increases your skins hydration by 200% after just one use!

Vitamin A 

Dermatologists have long considered Vitamin A the gold standard for ant- aging. However, using Vitamin A in the hot summer months is typically not recommended, as it can make your skin more sensitive to the sun.  Well, now that summer is over, it is the perfect time to reintroduce this powerful antioxidant into your skincare routine. Vitamin A increases collagen production, helps decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, helps treat and control acne and gives skin a healthy, glowing appearance.  However, be careful as many Vitamin A products can be irritating to sensitive skin. Start by using a small amount and test patch in one area, before applying to your entire face.

I use a retinal product (notice the A, not O as in retinol). This serum has the highest concentration of vitamin A that you can get without a prescription (no need to visit the Dr), but is gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin types!

Learn more about it here.


While most people will slather on the sunscreen before heading out to the beach in the summer, many ditch it once the summer ends. This is a BIG mistake and one you need to change, immediately. Ultraviolet rays, which are the cause of sun damage and skin cancer, are always present.  Cold weather and cloudy skys do not mean that your skin is safe.  You need to wear sunscreen every day of the year. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. and sunscreen is your best defense.  Also, the number one cause of premature aging is ultraviolet rays. So, grab your sunscreen and stay safe and healthy, all year long.  Look for a sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection and an SPF of at least 15.  For simplicity, I use a daytime moisturizer with SPF already in it, to eliminate an extra step. You can also use a finishing product with SPF, such as tinted moisturizer with or mineral peptides.  

 Brightening products

While most people think they look better with a tan, the summer sun can leave our skin with dark marks, melasma and sun damage, which most definitely do not make our skin look better.  Fall is the perfect time to lighten and brighten your skin. Vitamin C will increase collagen production and fight free radicals and damage caused by UV radiation, resulting in healthier, younger-looking skin. Vitamin C also helps lighten hyperpigmentation and brown spots, giving you a more even, brighter skin tone.  In addition to Vitamin C, you may consider a product containing Hydroquinone.  Hydroquinone is proven to be one of the most effective skin-lightening ingredients available on the market today. It works by decreasing the formation of melanin, the pigment in your skin that gives it color. I use hydroquinone every year after the summer and love the brightening and lightening results!

This is my fall go to regimen.


Protect your lips

Healthy lips look pink and plump. But as temperatures change, there is an increase of dry, chapped lips. Your lips don't have oil glands, and are more sensitive to the elements, such as sun, wind, cold and dry air. If your lips are already dry, try exfoliating them with a home made mixture of sugar and coconut oil, that you gently scrub in a circular motion. Follow the exfoliation by applying a hydrating lip balm. My absolute favorite is from Neutrogena. It is a lip gloss the adds moisture, a tint of color, shine and even has SPF.

Grab it here!

Sunless tanner

The perfect way to maintain your golden color, without the suns damaging rays is by using a sunless tanner. There are so many great sunless tanners on the market now, so finding one that is perfect for you is easier than ever. I recommend that you exfoliate your skin prior to applying any sunless tanner. Also, be sure to wait at least 15 minutes to get dressed after application, to ensure plenty of drying time. Start off by applying less and you can gradually build color for a more natural look. And be sure to wash your hands often during application.

For more tips on how to get the best skin of your life or for a free skin consultation, Click Here.

Allison Vercelli