Stop making excuses and start making changes now to achieve your goals

I am not a fan of excuses.

I believe excuses are just lies we tell ourselves so that “it” doesn’t have to be our fault. Even if your excuse is valid it is still just that—an excuse. It’s keeping you from your potential.

Recently I had a conversation with my son. He was complaining about his teacher. While I may have agreed with him about his teacher’s limitations, it doesn’t change the fact that he was making an excuse for why he couldn’t achieve his best results. At the end of the day, he still had to do the work and get the best grade he could, regardless of his teacher. Even if I partly agreed with him, he still has to show up in school and give 100 percent. 

There will always be someone or something to complain about—a boss, a coworker, a time conflict, an “unfair” situation, lack of money, you name it.  The bottom line is that these are all excuses. If you want something, go get it.

Your challenges may be valid. But if you truly want a certain result, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse. 

The next time you find yourself wanting to say, “I can’t afford that,” simply rephrase it to “that’s not important to me” and see how it feels.

We make choices based on what is important to us. People spend money they don’t have all the time on things that are important to them. People find time for their priorities. 

What are the reasons you are telling yourself why you can’t do something? Because these are the lies you are telling yourself

Own it. Own what is and is not a priority to you. Stop making excuses, and go after what you want—in business and in life.

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Allison Vercelli