Why to Track Activity

Have you ever kept a food journal? I used to make my clients keep one when I did nutrition counseling. They would tell me they didn’t need to keep one, because they knew what they were eating. I would ask them to humor me and keep one anyway.


Because when we track activity, it makes us more aware. Too often we go through the motions and think that we are doing the work (in this case, eating right). But when we write it down, we stop and realize all that we are—or are not—doing.

I remember coming home once when my husband was working at his desk. He told me that he was starving and “forgot to eat all day.” Have you ever had a day like that?

Then I looked in the trash can next to his desk and saw an empty bag of chips. I asked him who ate those. He said he did, but he was working. I asked if the calories didn’t count because he ate them while he was working.The point is that he didn’t even realize he ate them! He was so focused on his work that he didn’t pay attention to what he was eating, and he didn’t even enjoy those chips! By keeping a food journal, we are forced to shop and think before we put something in our mouths.

The same principles of tracking are true of business. 

In network marketing,  many people think that they are working hard. They are keeping themselves “busy.” But are they spending time doing the work that actually drives their business? I call that Income Producing Activity (grab my free checklist of what that entails here).

When you start to track your activity, you can actually see what you are getting done! Did you do all the work you needed to do today to grow your business? Or did you get caught up scrolling social media, which only feels like working? 

When you track your activity, you can see every income producing activity that you are completing each day.  Then you can gauge how much work you are truly getting done, and also see the outcome. For example, how many conversations do you need to have to sign a new teammate? If you track your activity every day, you can start to learn your numbers. This makes it easier to set reasonable goals.

If you track activity for several weeks, you can see how many people you need to reach out to in order to have a conversation about your opportunity. Then you can see how many people you have conversations with in order to convince someone to join the company. Once you have these numbers recorded, you can set a goal for how many new consultants you want to join your team in a month and know exactly how many people you have to  reach out to. No more guessing—you have the stats to back up your work.

Tracking your activity will not only allow you to see what you are truly accomplishing in your life and business but also help you set measurable and achievable goals to work toward based on the data you collected. Start tracking your income producing activity today, and see the difference it makes in your productivity.

Don’t forget to grab my FREE Checklist for exactly what activities you need to focus on each day to ensure success.

Also, be sure to join my FREE FB Group, Achieve Success for support, training and inspiration!

Allison Vercelli