Why you Need to Dream big, and Never Stop Believing

Can you remember when you were a kid and you weren’t afraid to dream big?

I have three kids, and, on any given day, they want to be: an actor, a marine biologist, a super hero, or someone insanely famous.  

They dream big.  

But, as adults, I think we tend to dream smaller. We get caught up in the everyday and live in our comfort zones, where everything is “fine.” We tell ourselves that our big dreams are not realistic or that they are for other people or that they are fairy tales.

But why do we limit ourselves like this?

Why don’t we expect more from life and go after our dreams?

Early on in my business, my husband and I were having a conversation, and he asked me where I would want to live if we could live anywhere. I named a quintessential beach town that we have always loved. It has beautiful beaches, a great lake, parks, an adorable downtown—you name it. It is just perfect. And, of course, perfection doesn’t come cheap.

My husband looked at me like I was crazy and suggested that I consider one of the less expensive surrounding towns. I thought about it for a moment.  Then I said, “No. You asked me my dream and that is it. Why would I lower my dream?”

But as adults, I think we do just that all too often. We say we are being “realistic,” but at what point did we stop dreaming big?

If your child came to you and said they wanted to be an astronaut, would you tell them to lower their expectations and maybe try to be an airline pilot instead? No! You would tell them that it won’t be easy, and they will have to sacrifice.  But if they work hard and never give up, anything is possible.

Why can’t we be as kind and encouraging to ourselves as we are to our kids?

We tell our kids that if they can dream it, they can do it—but are we modeling that? We tell our children they can do anything, when we are giving up on our dreams and living the status quo.  

Ask yourself:

What are my big dreams?

(You know, the ones that you think people would roll their eyes at or laugh at if you said them out loud. What are they? Be honest. Write them down.)

Dream big.jpg

What would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail?

Where would you live?

Where would you work?

Where would you like to travel?

List it all!

And then ask yourself:

Why aren’t you going after your dreams?

What’s holding you back?

Remember This

The difference between the people who achieve their impossible dreams and those who don’t is that the achievers actually go for it.

All I know for sure is: You definitely won’t achieve your dreams it if you never try. And who knows? Maybe all of your dreams will come true.

We just closed on the land to build a home in our dream town! Yes, the one my husband couldn’t imagine us living in.

It all started with a crazy dream and a decision to go for it!

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Allison Vercelli